Dolly In Freudland!

Dolly Comics, no. 10.  Can you say Sigmund Freud, kids? 

Hi Guys!

I've got something extra weird for you today!  I'm talkin' about Dolly Comics number 10, put out by the Ziff-Davis publishing company back in July-August, 1951!  Now I know what you're thinking -- "What's this got to do with anthro?"  Well, the answer is "not much," except that in this offbeat comic you'll see some of the strangest anthropomorphic characters ever.  

See, Dolly is a toy, a doll to be exact.  And she's got this wind-up dog, Charlie, for a sidekick.  Together thay have all kinds of bizarre adventures.  In this particular issue, Dolly finds herself in Dreamland

Anthropomorphic tree -- OK, I've seen that before.  But the question mark?

The Freudian weirdness kicks in strong, right off the bat!  Dolly and Charlie have stumbled across a "pickles 'n ice-cream tree."  Dolly sure as anything looks like she's going to have a baby in that first panel, so she has no problem chowing down on that tree's messed-up fruit!

But in that last panel, Question-Mark Guy loses his poo-poo!  Wait, did I say "Question-Mark Guy?"  Yep, that's right!  This is the first and I bet the only time you'll ever see an anthropomorphic punctuation mark

I'd say Charlie the phallic-looking dog dreamed it up...

So Question Mark Guy tells Dolly and Charlie that they have opened some kind of portal to hell by eating of the forbidden fruit!  Yep!  The Nightmare is on its way.  Heck, if you're the reader, I'd say the nightmare is already here!

That's it, Dolly.  Jump into the freaky tree's mouth...

Sure enough, the Nightmare shows up and starts chasing Dolly and Charlie.  Or maybe I should rephrase that:  The Nightmare's nose starts chasing Dolly and Charlie.  Is it just me, or does that nightmare's "nose" look like it has syphilis?  Anyhow, our terrified duo barely escapes by diving into the pickles 'n ice cream tree's mouth

Out of the frying pan and into the fire!  It's Killdozer!!

The Nightmare blows on by and lucky for our heroes, because the tree isn't having it!  He spits them right back out!  After telling Dolly and Charlie to stick it (get it? "stick" it?  ha ha ha!), the tree zips up its mouth.  Then along comes this anthropomorphic bulldozer!  Man!  This is getting weirder by the second!

Killdozer?  He's a sissy!

Dolly thinks that the big, tough bulldozer might be able to help them out, but it turns out that the mean machine is a tin-plated coward

Hoo-boy.  What do I say about this that won't get me into trouble??

Before Dolly and Charlie can catch their breath, the Nightmare is back!  Looks like he means business this time, too!  Dolly tries to fend him off, but it's no good!  The monster just transforms into something even more hideous.  Doll and dog take off running, but the Nightmare follows, growing bigger and more swollen  the faster they run! 

That's right, Dolly.  Slam that Nightmare into that even bigger phallic thing.

Luckily, our intrepid pair happen upon a pair of "dweam throwers."  They look kind of like rocket ships.  Or maybe I should say condoms!  I think Dolly's pickles 'n ice cream troubles are just about over!  --Whatever a dweam thrower actually is, I'd say it's pretty handy for catching nightmares

Choke on this, you POS tree!

Seems that Dolly's not happy just keeping the Nightmare in that rocket-ship thing.  She's got to make the pickles 'n ice cream tree pay!  I'm sure Dr. Freud would have all kinds of things to say about displacement and such, but the long and the short of it is that Dolly locks that Nightmare up, apparently forever, inside that pesky tree.  I don't know about you, but that padlock reminds me of a medieval chastity belt!  And I gotta tell ya, that zipper only increases my anxiety!    

Well, here at Hybrid, we don't flinch away from stuff when it makes us sick!  But guys, I've had enough of Dolly and her dumb dreams!  After this, I think I need to see a therapist!

That's all for now -- See you later!


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