
Squarriors, 2014.  Story by Ash Macko, art by Ashley Witter.

Following a catastrophe, the awakened squirrels must learn to fight.

Men, the Creators, are no more.

The Flash happened and the animals could talk and form societies.  Rival societies.

And competing groups mean war.

...and war means bloodshed and death.

Cruelty abounds.

The Tin Kin compound is a wrecked train, poor in resources but a very strong position.

But the Maw and the Amoni is determined on eradicating the Tin Kin.


...ferocious allies...

...wreckage and decay...

 ...and the Code of Blood has ensured a repeat of all that went before.

Where there were 3, soon there will be 2.

As the Creators knew for millennia, cats are difficult allies at best.

The battle begins.

Squarriors, Devil's Due Comics

Squirrels are just weird.


  1. The Redwall books had plenty of Anthro violence and villains, but seamed to be able to break up the darkness with friendship, cute accents and comedic moments. How does Squarriors compare on that count?

    1. Redwall is a far more stable society. Many of the two aggressive clans have the temperament of Cluny the Scourge. This is a 'civilization' created overnight. There is friendship and love but it is set against a backdrop of desperation and savagery. There is a concentration camp where the rodents and mice are raised to provide meat. I have not finished the series but have read enough of it to find it fascinating.


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