
Maestro, from Illogic Studios and Bloom Pitctures, 2019. The music is ‘Squilla il bronzo del dio... Guerra, guerra’, the great chorus from Vincenzo Bellini’s opera Norma.

And now to anger -
To rage, to battle, to their death!
Raise your voices, o brave men,
In the hymn of battle!

To battle! to battle! In the forest of Gaul
Brave warriors outnumber the trees.
As hungry wolves fall upon the flock,
We shall strike at the soldiers of Rome.

Blood! Blood! The Gallic axes
Are bathed in the blood of the Roman...
Over the impure waters of the Liguri
It gushes with deathly sound.

Slaughter, extermination and vengeance
Already begin and will soon be fulfilled.
Like grain mowed down by the sickle,
The Roman legions shall fall.

With proud wings clipped with talons drawn,
Behold the mighty eagle on the ground!
And God will come on the rays of the sun
To behold the triumph of his men.

Norma premiered at La Scala in Milan on 26 December 1831.  It was received with cold indifference.  Schopenhauer claimed that Norma made the spectator lose the will to live, big talk if you have ever had to read any of his books.
"The horrors on the stage hold up to him the bitterness and worthlessness of life, and so the vanity of all its efforts and endeavors. The effect of this impression must be that he becomes aware, although only in an obscure feeling, that it is better to tear his heart away from life, to turn his willing away from it, not to love the world and life."  Life of the party.
Norma, the high priestess of the Druid temple, who had two children by Pollione, the Roman proconsul of Gaul, breaking her Druid chastity vows, discovers that her lover is now in love with her friend, the young Druid priestess Adalgisa. Norma tries to convince Pollione to give up Adalgisa and return to her, but he refuses. Norma publicly confesses her fault and is sentenced to death by fire. Pollione is convicted for pursuing Adalgisa in the temple and goes to the stake with Norma.
Pretty much par for the opera course. Norma is a work of genius and is now regarded as such.

This post is for our own opera singer,

gregsbird's avatar

Because you just cannot have too much talent.

Billy D Bunny in his squirrel form, like anyone asked him.

I guess he had his good points after all.

A Hybrid re-post. 


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