The Happy Dancing Animals, Betrayed!

 This outstanding picture of delighted anthro animals dancing in joy without the presence of Man and his works is from Steve Cuttts, Man 2020.  In this he shows the decay of civilization and the return to a bucolic, peaceful nature because the Prime Enemy is locked down due to the fear of a virus with a 99% recovery rate, a fear fanned by power mad politicians and a terrified population unaware of how statistics are used to lie.  Mr. Cutts is an extremely talented animator who thinks Nature is some kind of hippy commune, only to be perverted by the wicked Hominid Enemy.  The number one polluter today is China, yet no criticism of them ever shows up in his films, it is always the West he attacks.  That Mercy is a quality unique to Homo Sapiens is not a factor in his world.*  Yes, we eat animals, and they eat each other.  Yes, there was and is criminal behavior re. Nature happening, but damn little of it in Western Europe or North America, we forbid such activities.  Most of us are not brain dead vandals, and Steve Cutts is preaching to a very left wing choir.  The fox and the rabbit dancing together makes me wonder what predators live on in his world.  But judge for yourself-

This guy goes after the civilization that has made him famous.  Hypocrite.  It's easy to be brave in a mob.

*Elephants, dolphins and some of the great apes aside.


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