Illustration Is The Tops!

 Bernard and Miss Bianca, The Rescuers.  Garth Williams.

The Cheshire Cat, Sir John Tenniel.  1865.

Heinrich Kley, Reynard The Fox

Heinrich Kley, Reynard The Fox, c. 1920.  Kley was the artist who drew the ice skating alligators Disney 'borrowed' for Fantasia.


 Two lizards make things happen!

Margie Moore, Bear Of My Heart.

The Town Mouse And The Country Mouse, Arthur Rackham

David Petersen

Wallace Tripp



One more.

The High Hills, Jill Barklem

Rocket Raccoon, Unwanted Attention.  Scott Gustafson.

Little Tommy Tucker, Gustafson.

Otter Tastes The Soup, Gustafson.

 Love, Susan Batori

The Easter Egg, Jan Brett

Ernest Hemingway, Jason.

Scar, Marco.



Gotta stop somewhere.


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