Turnabout Is Fair Play

A Whale and Three Fish Sitting Down to a Formal Dinner of Russian Sailors

Kobayashi Kiyochika, 1904

This is probably a political cartoon referring to the Russo-Japanese war, 1904 - 1005.  Still, anthro is anthro.  Yes:

The satirical writer Honekawa Dojin (pseudonym of Nishimori Takeki, 1862–1913) supplied each illustration with an accompanying humorous description. The series mocked the Russians for their perceived military weakness, conceit, and cowardice. Here the sea bream invites guests to a meal of Russians. It apologizes that they taste bad and lack guts, despite the superior impression they give off. The guests are surprised how easy it is to swallow them whole. Puns on words related to the sea, fish, and death occur throughout the text.


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