
 Raw #4 1982, School Of Visual Arts Ad.  Elwood Smith

Fermin And Piker, Javier Mariscal

 Maus, Art Spiegelman. Published in book form in 1991.  This is the story of Art's father Vladek and his experiences in WWII as a Polish Jew.  This searing comic probably did more to bring the Holocaust home to the public than ever so many documentaries.  It is the only graphic novel to win a Pulitzer Prize, and an anthropomorphic one at that.  Raw was edited by Spiegelman and his wife, Francoise Mouly, and was an awesome comics venue that is still a tremendous read.

This is a very good book.

Rough Seas, Mariscal. 


Gary Panter.

Waldo the cartoon cat from Boulevard Of Broken Dreams, Kim Deitch.  Raw, 1989 series.  Waldo is the reincarnation of Judas Iscariot.


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