Going Postal!

I have just discovered Terry Prachett.  Actually rediscovered, about 30 years ago I read a hilarious book entitled Good Omens by Prachett and Neal Gaiman, the great fantasy writer.  I could never remember the name of this as I wanted very badly to read it again.  I have just finished Going Postal, about the con-man Moist Von Lipwig, who is assigned to re-animate the moribund post office of Ankh-Morpork, the chief city of Discworld.  Last night I finished Snuff, and today I started on Raising Steam, also with von Lipwig.

Richard Coyle as Von Lipwig.  That is the immortal Andrew Sachs as Groat to his right.  And yes, that is Pump, a golem, in the back.

David Suchet as Reacher Gilt.  He owns the clacks, complex semaphore towers that now dominate communication on DiscWorld.  DiscWorld is a flat world riding on the back of a giant turtle.

Charles Dance as Lord Vetinari, the corrupt and able tyrant of Ankh-Morpork.

Angua Von Uberwald, Werewolf of the Guard.

Moist was reluctant, at first, to take the job.  But Lord Vetinari can be most persuasive!

Claire Foy as Adore Belle Dearheart, Head of the Golem Trust, an employment agency.

A Clack Tower.

Mr. Gryle, Banshee.  He is up to no good.

Sometimes I cannot compete with what has already been said.

If you are reading this site, then we already see eye to eye.  You will enjoy this very much.
So long, Sir Terry, and thanks for getting me to read fantasy again.


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