Last Night's Dream

(Horrible drawing even for me removed).

More like early this morning.  I kept waking up after a series of terrifying or shameful dreams, disturbing my cats and getting twisted in the blankets.  About five I drifted off, and I dreamed I was at a beach party with three friends, all long dead.  That is all I remember about it.  The dream that was the worst last night was one in which I murdered my wife and was waiting to get caught for it.  The wife in the dream was not my real one, I could care less about her.  In this dream I left a candle going upstairs while I turned the gas on in the house.  It was terrifying because I did not know I was asleep and I couldn't believe I had done something so cruel and easily discovered.  All I can do to explain that was that I had been thinking of Scott Peterson and how he must have felt as he lied to everyone about killing his wife.
This drawing is sub-standard, again, but I am in a slump.  I don't even know why I bother to type such a thing, it is not as if I have to explain myself.  Art that needs explanation, such as anything by Jackson Pollack, is not art but a scam.

See what I mean?


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