Rapid T. Rabbit

Rapid Transit Rabbit.

With a friend.

Richard Concepcion, aka Rapid T. Rabbit.  1957-2017.
(I think this guy is a furry)!

Well, I never watched this although it has been running since '83.  A lot of people are going to miss this guy.  I have no idea who did this picture but it sure is sincere.  I can find absolutely nothing on Mr. Concepcion, nothing.  His tribute page is a mess and of no help.  The new homepage The Rabbit Hole is under construction, but the old version is of no use either.  You would think that someone this well known would at least have a bio out there.  Imagine, a public access show that became so successful.  This is a tremendous achievement and really shows that determination and ability can pay off.  I wonder if the show made money?
So long, Rapid.

And- the journey is the destination.


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