More Moon Rabbits

I have no idea who did this.  This is probably from some book for kids, 1900-20.  Update!
This is from Belgian Fairy Tales by William Eliot Griffis.  He was an extensive traveler and helped modernize education in Japan.  Here are two of his medals bestowed by the Japanese Government. On second thought, both these look exactly alike except for the ribbon so here is the higher honor- 

Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon.

Wild that on a post dealing with the moon I include a Rising Sun!  But I doubt that would affect this guy-

Usagi Yojimbo with Moon, Gen, and Kitsune.  The Japanese rabbit!  And next, from India, the Rabbit on the Moon, Buddhist style-

This is a man who claims to have a new way to look at movies, mythology, and gender.
Ha Ha!  Great drawing.

A bento for the Jade Rabbit festival.

This is by the very talented Natalie Russell.

Feridu Oral.

See!  I'm not the only guy who likes to draw  athletic rabbits, in this case a girl.  I bet he makes money off of his.  Oh, well...

Listening Hare by Jilly Hendersen.

Now this is properly celestial.  Toshiro Ebine.

I am amazed at all the moon and rabbit stuff out there, from legends to pictures to children's books.  I have pretty much exhausted this subject.  I posted this a few months ago, and as I am desperately short of copy I will put this up again:

Not your average moonrabbit I grant you.
I watch the moon rise over the water and it represents another world, aloof, bright, and very cold.
Sea of Fertility indeed.

It does look like a rabbit with a mortar!

Pareidolia strikes again.


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