Three For Fun!

My brother took this at the barbershop today.  Behold the three stages of man!  Notice the word over the older man's head.  This is an outstanding photo. The angel of death looking at his watch is just out of the picture.

Steve also sent me these which I will use to flesh out this post.  " Flesh out".
.  If only I had meant to write that!  This lurid painting is almost certainly a Fantomas cover.  No, Google images says The Shadow.  It does have that pulp look, but I cannot find it.  So Fantomas it remains.

Fay Spain. Died of cancer at fifty.  Played amoral temptresses in mostly grade Z movies, but is best known for the part of Mrs. Hyman Roth in the Godfather part II.  Hot stuff!

My brother's stuff is on Instagram @-stevedavis.


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