A New Leonardo?

La Bella Principessa

This turned up at a Christie's auction and was knocked down for almost 22,000 dollars U.S.  Peter Silverman had submitted a bid but but was outbid by Kate Ganz.  Years later Silverman found it for sale again and acquired it for about the same money. 
This portrait in colored chalk was attributed to 19th century artists copying Renaissance paintings.  Specifically, one Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld, who also drew this -

Half nude female, Von Carolsfeld.  Same model but older?

The problem with this is that the disputed picture is radiocarbon dated to at least 225 years old.  At least!  Which, when I think about it, is about when this would have been drawn.  Oh dear, oh dear.  Silverman has turned down 80 million for the drawing.

Heraclitus and Democritus, by Bramante

Heraclitus is a portrait of Leonardo, and Domocritus is a self portrait of Donato Bramante.  These two were friends and worked on architectural stuff with each other.  The book in front of Heraclitus has the same backward writing that Leonardo so famously used.  This painting has humor stamped all over it.  Leonardo was known for his good looks and strong build.  

This previously unknown Da Vinci is expected to sell for 16 million Euros.  Here is a link to Wiki on the Princess pastel;


A Caveat!

Thomas Hoving thinks that about 40% of what is for sale is forged.  This Leonardo is perfect in every way, except one.  The provenance is worst than shaky.  This has scam written all over it.  I would rather have the money than a  chalk drawing by anyone.  My guess is that this is a super forgery worth having in it's own right, but much, much cheaper. 


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