Hercules The Liger

Meet Hercules, a Liger.  His dad was a lion and his mother was a tiger.  Hercules weighs 922 lbs.

This is Nook, who lived out his life in the Valley of the Kings Animal Sanctuary in Wisconsin.

Nook weighed in at 1400 lbs and was the largest known non-obese cat.  He died of old age in 2007, 21 years old.

Hobbs, of the Sierra Safari Zoo, Nevada.  Said to have weighed 1600 lbs.  All the sites say he was obese but does he look obese?

Hercules and owner, Doc Antle.

Liger cub at a Russian Zoo

Truly do mighty oaks from little acorns grow.

Don't you want Hercules to come live with you?


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