I'll Never Quit Drawing Rabbits

This is what I do, he said to his unexpected guests.  Y'all knew I was savage when you entered!

Naw, just kidding.  I'm a bunny through and through!
Art by Wallace Tripp.

Behold the bunny who durst defy the Omnipotent to arms.

The Red Rabbit will continue his anthro artwork, come Hell or high corn.

Terror Bunnies are never expected!

For I will be the Way

Heed my Guidance,

And Victory is assured.

For I cannot be Denied,

And my followers are many and true.

Look on my works, ye mighty-

and despair.  I used to have batches of readers.  But hey,

I don' need no stinking batches!

This has been brought to you by Deeply Disturbed Bunny, a division of Sulky Rabbit Enterprises.


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