Mom And Dad's Front Porch


This is Little Bay from the front porch of my parent's house.  The land to the left across the water is the exclusive neighborhood of Key Allegro.  The strip to the right is Rockport's blue water beach, and the waterway between them takes boaters to the Laguna Madre, the lake formed on the inside of Padre Island.  The Laguna Madre has a different eco-system than the Gulf.  It is a great place for fishing.  This picture was taken by my brother and he was facing 119 degrees SE when he took it.  This accounts for the spectacular cloud colors.
This house was probably built in the early 70's.  It has a tube intercom in it, a device that their other house in Plano had, and boy is it useless.  So much easier to yell, we got fussed at all the time back in the day for ignoring the intercom.
The panoramic feature on my brother's phone is something else.


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