Jump, Again!

So today, down at our clueless thrift store, I found a book of Brer Rabbit stories called Jump, Again!  This is from a series of books written by Van Dyke Parks and illustrated by Barry Moser.  I was a little disappointed by Mr. Moser's anthro illustrations, I found them a tad wooden.  Barry Moser is one of the greats so this hardly is criticism.  But Mr. Moser did have this picture on the cover of the book, and this is really something.

Nice, huh?  Bet your ass this is nice.  What a superior furry! 

Eatonton, Georgia.  Stolen in 2010, he is missing his pipe and his ear has been repaired.  There is another one at the nearby Uncle Remus Museum.

A.B. Frost

Virginio Livraghi

Artist unknown, but a delightful work!  Published by Birn Bros. 1948.

Brer Rabbit goes fishing, Harry Rountree.

A.B. Frost, Brer Rabbit And Brer Wolf.

With Brer Coon.  Henry Fox.


 Bill Peet.


Brer Rabbit and cannon. (?)  Virginio Livraghi.

Splash Mountain, Disney.  If it is Disney and Brer Rabbit then it was designed by Bill Peet.

Joel Chandler Harris

Coonskin, by Ralph Bakshi.  Here is Brother Rabbit.



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