
Showing posts from October, 2018

For Your Consideration

This is from       steve @_livingdog - Instagram  I got to choose which version I liked and I went with this one.  Then I swore to God on a stack of bibles that I would not put up the other one.  Here it is - Yes, when searching the net for meaningless but well drawn ephemera, remember steve @_livingdog - Instagram  K-9 capers!

Time To Move

From steve @_livingdog - Instagram   Vroom.

An Old Halloween And Astronomical Observation In One!

In 2016, Halloween night, an asteroid come within 300,000 miles of Earth.  This near miss was bad enough, but it photographed from some angles as a human skull.  In a Hammer film this would have been considered tremendously silly and overdone, even as Peter Cushing futilely warns an indifferent world of the danger.  Of course I had to get my bunny in on the action.   "I am Time, the mighty force which destroys everything, fully Manifesting Myself, I am here engaged in destroying the worlds"! 2015 TB145  "Either slain thou shalt go to heaven; or victorious thou shalt enjoy the Earth". Enjoy your earth. Boo, y'all! Quotes from a conversation between Prince Arjuna and some chariot driver.

Kraven The Hunter

Kraven is no one to fuck with. His fashion sense is up to the minute! Him and Dr. Benton Quest have never been seen together. Makes you wonder... But the ballet was his first love, and it shows. He likes to win. Sergei Kravinoff, super genius. Cosplay and poppers! Lithe. Russians seem to gravitate toward insane, ruthless sport.  And this guy is a general, for Christ's sake.  Dapper, I have to admit! Maybe it is a Cossack thing. (Kraven is the property of Marvel Comics, and all those pics are by Steve Ditko.  Leslie Banks stars as General Zaroff, The Most Dangerous Game, RKO).

Halloween 1991

My brother and I were driving around San Antonio when I saw this woman.  I was holding a camera loaded with Tri-X pan, ASA 400.  I had the shutter set about 1/30th of a second.  As we drove by her, I focused on her and moved the camera when I snapped the shot in order to keep her image sharp.  It was a crisp and cloudy day.  This is the best picture I have ever taken.  I used to call it "Who are we?  Where are we going?  What are we doing here"?  but this was a little too obvious and could be regarded as plagiarism.   Now it looks too me like she is looking into the future and can see that the wind is rising.  A cold, dry, furious wind back lit by the red light of a dying sun.  But what does that matter to humans?  The mutated virus that escaped from that biowep lab, no one knows whose, swept through all borders and obliterated most chordata.  The only mammals left are the animal/human grafts and it ...

I Should Re-Start From Here

Halloween, 2014.  Sexy, well drawn, determined, competent, and very, very ambitious.  This is General Lepus, who is the commander of the old Wolf's army.  That a rabbit is a wolf commander should speak volumes about his abilities and savagery.  The old King is for peace with his neighbors, but the young wolves want war and will follow the one who will bring it for them.  Lepus has already killed several score wolves making his point.  If he wins this fight, and he will, Hell will come to Earthlike, and the darkness will be everlasting. The old king.  At least he will go down fighting.  Lepus has been like a son to him.  The king remembers when he killed his father.  In other circumstances he would be proud of this boy! But it ain't gonna be easy!

A Few From My Brother

    This is by Paul Lehr.  I saw a lot of his paperback covers while I was growing up.   He never wowed me, but he was good. Methuselah's Children, 1960.  Whatever.  And this is a cat on the hood of a 1939 Dodge truck. Disturbing.  This long dead kitty knows I am looking at him.  Poor thing! The prophesy has been fulfilled. steve @_livingdog - Instagram  

Courage Is Not Limited By Size

First layer of color complete, kinda.  Now comes the second and some sort of background.  I really should show some opponents in this, however sketchy they may appear.  Flamma has to be standing on something.  His eyes do not work for me.  The trefoil breastplate is peculiar to the Samnites. Or maybe not.  The net shows varieties of this labeled Greek and Carthaginian. I have a book on ancient armor that I think this was drawn for.  I don't know who did this but I have loved the book these last 35 years.  This artist is just the best at this sort of thing. Caudine Forks, Google map photo courtesy of Frank Davis The Romans managed to become decoyed into this pass, finding the exit blocked they then discovered a Samnite army across the entrance.  They surrendered without bloodshed, but had to pass under two spears tied together.  (the yoke). When a letter was sent by the Samnite c...


This excellent portent seems to be on scratchboard.  The artist is given as Leo Jordan, and my brother must have got it off of Instagram.  I can find no mention of this person anywhere, yet this is too good to be a single work in isolation.  Personally I would be delighted to be turned away from such a factory but this is certainly some sort of sinister plutocrat robot so I would imagine there are IWW fingerprints all over this! Gee, I don't know about this... Without exception, all Communist states have to impose their policies by force. (Poster by Remus Brailoiu) They weren't called 'Wobblies' as a compliment. Ignorance is Strength. Power to the People!

Yesterday At The Park

Looking north from Rockport's Blue Water Beach to Key Allegro.  Seagulls are the street gangs of saltwater birds, they always face into the wind and beg for food.  If I was to throw a loaf of stale bread out there the place would be nothing but grey and white feathers, gulls can spot people feeding them from miles away and will converge quickly.  From a clear blue sky with nothing in it the gulls show up, giving one to realize how planes can attack a convoy despite ever so many watchers.  My brother livingdog took this as I chanted up a sphere of invunerability. Those houses on Key Allegro line the route to the Laguna Madre, the body of water inside of Padre Island.  Little Bay, where we are, has a different ecology than that of the Laguna, just as the Laguna's ecology is different from the Gulf of Mexico.  Inside the barrier of the island there are no tides to speak of, and the sportfishing is something to die for.  What a shame I don't f...

Who Would Have Thought?

And I always thought plushies were soft.  Watch the Mega-Plush films for a real stuffing everywhere hard core action film.  This is by Matt Burniston, and what a good concept well carried out that this is.   Sex... Violence... Action! Could this be the end of Mega Tiger? Fight tyranny wherever it exists.