Two Unbelievable Anthro Cat Films

This beyond adorable young cat in this ultra pastoral, peaceful setting is going to chase down the butterfly.  He will meet other woodland creatures when he does so.  Welcome to one of the most cold blooded movies I have ever seen.  This masterpiece is "Nine", from Monk Studio in Thailand.  Here is the link-

You've been warned!

Alleycats, by Blow Studio out of Seville.  This non-stop action piece about a circle of violence is breathtaking both in it's art and execution.  It looks to me that the United States are getting our ass handed to us animation wise.  If there are any Furries still reading my site then this is the film for you!  Oh, yeah, there is a not so subtle 'eye for an eye' reference.  If I had to avenge my father's murder I would kill anyone who got in my way.  The difference between me and Hammurabi's code is that I would not ask the government to do it for me, I think that would be cowardly.  Where is the pleasure in proxy revenge?  For I have seen what happens to those who let the law take it's course.  In this film Nail, the last survivor of the Siamese clan, invades the turf of what appears to be British Shorthairs, in order for a little payback.

"I and the public know,

What all schoolchildren learn-

Those to whom evil is done,

Do evil in return".

W. H. Auden, September 1, 1939

But Auden is being sanctimonious and silly talking about "evil in return".  When attacked, the only, say again the only course of action is resistance, counter attack and eventual victory.  But the wise opponent will get his licks in first!

Sweet dreams.


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