I Should Re-Start From Here

Halloween, 2014.  Sexy, well drawn, determined, competent, and very, very ambitious.  This is General Lepus, who is the commander of the old Wolf's army.  That a rabbit is a wolf commander should speak volumes about his abilities and savagery.  The old King is for peace with his neighbors, but the young wolves want war and will follow the one who will bring it for them.  Lepus has already killed several score wolves making his point.  If he wins this fight, and he will, Hell will come to Earthlike, and the darkness will be everlasting.

The old king.  At least he will go down fighting.  Lepus has been like a son to him.  The king remembers when he killed his father.  In other circumstances he would be proud of this boy!

But it ain't gonna be easy!


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