A Goal Decided On

I need to start a sequential now.  The alert reader has already noticed the underlying sadness to this character.  It is going to get much worse, at least from this poor bunny's viewpoint.  I gave up Furry due to the difficulty of the art and the lack of interest in my rabbit, original that it was.  The sin of sins in the art world is being tedious.
I am still honing Billy D! to be roundish and cute, tough for me.  The 3 next pics are by Kim Deitch, who grew up with his animation master father, Gene, and it has always showed.  I first bought Corn Fed Comics in Austin in 1973, and what a mind blowing thing it was for such a young boy.  The following pics are from his story of Judas Iscariot re-incarnated as an alcoholic cartoon cat and the artist that draws him, Ted.  The book is Boulevard of Broken Dreams.

This is some heavy stuff here!

One more.


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