Apotheosis, Or Behold The Savior!

For while I brought this world cleansing and redemption, even as I stretched forth my hand to sweep the old order away, Alas!  The foul blade of the assassin did remove me and deliver my brethren unto those who made this hell.
Cry not for me, rather your children.
Mourn not for man, but for our nation.
There is one coming along with the light.
He divides the quick from the dead.
His time is nigh.
The evil will seek refuge, but none is forthcoming.
The prince of this world will falter, and fall.
There will be no more suffering.
And the nation shall sing hosannas in it's joy.
To be one with him is denied me.
No honor has a prophet at home.
All will rejoice at his ascension, and he shall put the crown on his own head.
Wickedness will die.
Our savior cometh.

He is here!


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