Shooting To Kill IsThe Greatest Joy There Is

Shooting targets and cans is no fun at all.  But change comes to us all, and now the idea of taking any life except human bothers me no end.  When Cecil the lion was lured out of that preserve to be killed by a wealthy dentist I was outraged.  I don't care that no laws were broken.  The days of trophy hunting are over.  I would allow big game hunting on one condition.  You go alone and armed with just a matchlock.  No backup.  Not a miquelet, snaphaunce, or flintlock.  Those weapons are far too reliable.  I guess I would allow a spear as well, good luck with that.
Naturally, I am not talking about hunting for food or for mankillers.  I am for putting the sport back into murder!
In the picture, Billy is thinking on friends that used to be as cold and vicious as he was.  They had so much fun together.

Billy is out on the flats shooting a scoped .22 Magnum rifle, light, lovely, and not too expensive to purchase or use.  One never knows when a long range shot may be very important, so it is best to stay in practice.  


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