The Rabbit With Dead Eyes Down Among The Peoples Of Stone

As I Am, So They Were
As They Are, So I Will Be

Yeah, right, thinks the bunny.  These clowns got statues.  Better a stone lion in the White Witch's courtyard than a dead rabbit in a hole.  Billy draws on his smoke, and then mumbles-
"A hole if I'm lucky".
Billy worries about things that don't matter to anyone.

Though I am young, and cannot tell
Either what Death or Love is well,
Yet I have heard they both bear darts,
And both do aim at human hearts.
And then again, I have been told
Love wounds with heat, as Death with cold;
So that I fear they do but bring,
Extremes to touch, and mean one thing.

Ben Jonson, Death and Love

But Billy's time for love is past, and Death is in the future.  The darts of love have led to Hell, the darts of Death will be reprieve.  After that is anyone's guess!


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