¡Del Sur!

I have a righteous friend in Mexico City, an American, who is a fantastic artist.  It sounds like a wonderful place to live.  Here is his Deviant Art address -

aztlanwayne's avatar 
     He is a tremendously talented artist and a person of great erudition and taste.  We like much the same music, and if I don't like it that is because I have never heard it before.  This is how I learn, he often posts music links and tells things about the artists and bands.
Today I received some of his original work.  I am beyond honored, and very impressed that someone like me would get such a surprise in the mail.


     Here is a cheeriness that I usually do not have around, near, or within.  Now I must figure out the best frame for this, and where to place it.  What a shame I don't have a coffee shop, this would be perfect for looking at while drinking the rocket fuel that I would specialize in making.
This screams 'composure', just the thing for AM coffee.  And, of course, nowhere else are the words 'composure' and 'screams' used in the same sentence and context.  Mine is the site that gives and gives!

'Fish Ladder'

      I am tempted to use art talk here and get some use out of all that college.  But pretty much the left to right diagonal composition brings the viewer From Here To There.  This is a picture of a journey up into triumph.  Color balance, arrangement, motion, values, thrust, Negative Space* yak yak yak...
This is a great painting and one does not need an education to see that. 

The Raft of the Medusa, Géricault.  1818-19.  Notice the diagonal sweep from lower left to upper right, a progression from death to despair to hope to jubilance!
From Here To There, just like I said.

    *Negative Space is the sure sign that a reviewer or critic has no idea what the hell they are talking about and that they have at least two college degrees that cost a huge amount of money, that they do not and cannot create themselves, and are unbearable snippy ponces to boot.  When you hear that term run, don't walk, to the nearest bar and spend the next few hours telling anybody that will listen or at least get near you that Jackson Pollack had no talent at all compared with Peter Max and offer to fight anyone who says different.
I misspoke in the above.  Jackson Pollack had no talent whatsoever.

'New Forest Coven'

  Wayne is deeply spiritual and many of his paintings reflect the joy he gets from the out of doors. I find this title startling and intriguing.  Tremendous use of negative space.

'Magic Mushrooms'

      While these may be psylocibin 'shrooms the magic is in the painting.  I cannot praise this enough.  Again, an outdoor scene of great tranquility.  This is illustration grade and I have no higher praise for artwork.  I am beyond honored to have these and they must be seen.

Many, many thanks, Wayne, for once I am at a loss for words.


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