Out Of The South, Again!

The Tower.

The Tower is a symbol for the ambition that is constructed on faulty premises. The destruction of the tower must happen in order to clear out the old ways and welcome something new. Its revelations can come in a flash of truth or inspiration. 

The Hanged Man

I have to abandon the online guides here, none of them agree with each other.  This card represents knowledge gained through voluntary sacrifice, and is a direct reference to Odin and Yggdrasil.
This method of execution was common during the Quattrocentto, in Italy, for traitors.  The person thus displayed was allowed all the food and drink he wanted.
'Traitor' meant whatever those in charge said it meant.

 aztlanwayne's avatar

Once again I have been trusted to display this great artist's work.  He may have some more so this post might become even better.

 ¡Quiero esos dibujos, ahora!

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