Ну, погоди!


Nu, Pogodi! - Just You Wait!  debuted in 1969.  Soyuzmultifilm.  Zayats (Hare) and Volk (Wolf).  Zayats is an androgynous male lagomorph and the Wolf is the Russian idea of a scheming layabout.   Note the bell bottoms.  He also smokes and plays guitar.  He is a kind of Wile E. Coyote always trying to catch Zayats and failing.  His catchphrase is 'Nu, Zayats!... Nu Pogodi'!  (Well, bunny!... Well just you wait)!  Prounced Pah - ghetti, stress on the first syllable.

Well, it's me!  (Nu, eto zhe ya)!  The 'well' does not work right in English, it probably translates more like Hey, it's me!  To say the least I don't have much call for Russian skills here on the Gulf Coast.

The Soviets, of course, believed in universal brotherhood and the dignity of all men everywhere.

The Walrus, Morzh.  He is a sea captain.

Kat (Kot).  A magician and very self absorbed.


Hippopatmus (Begemot).

Crocodiles (Krokodilov).

With Moveable Head And Hands.  Nice touch of capitalism here, Tovarischi.

At the height of the Cold War it was discovered that Russia was falling behind in the Strategic Fruitcake Race. (Stategicheskya Gomoseksualnaya Rasa).  A new Five Year Plan over-fulfilled all goals.
Take that, USA! (Vozmi Eto, Sha)!

Remember, Zayats is a guy.

I might as well be talking to the wall.  (S takim zhe uspekhom ya mog razgovriayatso stenoy).  At least we know the Russians have their children's cartoon strange-o's just like us.
I say we call it even. 

Art by Dahr



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