
Today I was inventorying my brother and mine's comics when I came across this photo from about June, 1978.  Amazing what time does to us.  I joined the Corps less than two months after this picture, this is the last time I had long hair.  I am on my way to a prom, not mine, with a long forgotten date.  And dig that fucking tie!  I showed up at Boot Camp looking like this.  Words were used, unkind, hurtful, mean words.

 This must be the last suit I ever bought, after the Corps it is all anyone can do to get me into a sport jacket, ties are unacceptable except for funerals.  By that I mean if I was pallbearer for a very great person, and I am unlikely to ever be selected for such a job.  My tie days are over.

Mind you, this is before the prom.   I should have kept on with the guitar thing.  This kid would look great in a fringed leather vest with a Paisley balloon sleeved pirate shirt on an album cover, and a headband with peace symbol, of course.  I mean, what else is such a haircut for?  Grabbing - In - A - Fight, that's what.

  I don't smile much now. 

Seated Boy With Lyre, Johan Teodor Lundberg

Tithonos, a lyre player, found favour with Eos who obtained for him immortality.  However, she forgot to ask Zeus to give the boy eternal youth also.  As a result of this small but critical oversight, Tithonos grew old and eventually turned into a cricket.

As flies to wanton boys are we to the gods.

(Grim barbarian face a detail from Conan The Adventurer, Frank Frazetta. 1965).

This is how I saw myself as an adult.  The real world never cut any ice with me.

Ciao, baby.


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