I Recycle!

This is from May 31, 2013.  I lived in a pasture next to the Colorado river outside of Austin, Tx.  This is an allegory of some of my neighbors.  They would take powerhouse drugs, not sleep for days on end, and attract the sheriff's department, quite an accomplishment for an area ignored by most organs of the county government.  While I have no problem with recreational drugs, I have a big problem with recreational theft and mayhem.  I let people think that I was an unstable Marine with guns out the wazoo and was itching to use them.  Ha ha!  I had no guns, they would have been stolen had anyone really thought I owned such things.  I made it clear that my wealth was my books, and stealing those would have been a great deal of work for nothing unless one was going to read high octane history, and these folks were functional illiterates.  Any pride in one's appearance is suspect among those who are proud of their ignorance and self reinforcing intellectual dead end.  You would have thought Reconstruction was still on, we may be poor and stupid but at least we're white Texans!   One of the things all these people had in common was living with whatever they could get in the way of partners, it was usually a toss up as to which one of them looked the worst.  Obesity seemed to be prized, with rail thin coming in a close second.  Did I mention homemade tattoos?  One was a career thief who got caught on camera stealing wire from an oil field supply company, he already had quite the record.  We are talking about a lot of wire.  Texas has a three strikes law, he was going away for a very long time, i.e. life.  He hung himself from a tree in his front yard outside his mom's bedroom window.  There were 3 brothers who were out of control thieves and burglars, they would drive around the town glaring at everyone as they openly inventoried anything of value.  They knew who was planning on killing them if they ever trespassed on that person's property, it was the elderly and the hopelessly clueless they preyed on.  These geniuses went to Joe Arpaio's beat in Arizona and got caught stealing there.  As we say here, you can't fix stupid.  Speaking of stupid, right before I sold out and moved a young man was doing least 70 mph and ran into a tree, he had about 100 yards from the highway turnoff to get going that fast.  I don't know whether he was killed in the crash or burned to death, but that tree was still there last I saw it, charred on one side for 30 feet up.  There was a middle-aged drunk, I mean above and beyond, who was diabetic and Lord knows what else, who had to be helicoptered out of his house weekly regular as clockwork.  He eventually died, those resources could now be devoted to worthy people who tried.  The choppers liked to land in pastures, many a time I would watch the pilot set down right outside my trailer.  Our town was all horses, a ranch down the street had a sign on the front gate that read, Helicopter Landings Forbidden.  I used to wonder who that sign was for.  I lived on Man O'War, the other two streets were Citation and Whirlaway.  One of my neighbors was a Mexican horse breaker, he may have been moving horses for the cartels.  On foot he was a shambling giant, on a horse he was a centaur.  His Shetland would jump the fence and come over and eat my outdoor catfood, those things are mean little bastards.  When this guy would wear his parade gear he looked like Zorro, I mean black leather and silver everywhere.  His horses would stare at me as I sat in my 'kitchen' and drank coffee, the fence was about 12' away.  Another neighbor had a Percheron, those things are monsters.


Wow, what a bunny!  2014.  I had been reading some old Vogue magazines.

Crossroads, a reference to a new guitar.

My halves are at it again.  That guy is such a jerk!  2014.

Greg the Demon needs a soul to replace him in Hell but quick.  He chose Billy as his target based on the rabbit's instability and dour outlook.  He did not realize that Billy is quite used to depression and has no intention of giving up because things can be gloomy.  Here the bunny dries his nails and ignores the increasingly desperate Greg as he orders Billy to off himself.  Greg is starting to smoke around the edges.  He is in a lot of trouble, Hell does not reward achievement but punishes failure.

Greg is very tired of Billy's mood swings.

Thrift Store Score.  Great pose, flawed drawing.  I wish I had got in touch with liking great clothes when I was younger and much better looking.  What a loss to the world!  2015.

Mayday, 2013.

 Here I am trying to convince my cat Thomas Jonathan Jackson, aka "Stoney", to drop another fence lizard.  He was my mightiest hunter, and was wiping out the lizards.  When I moved here, there were few cats and none in my pasture.  Fence lizards look like horny toads with long tails.  I enjoyed watching them and did not like them being killed.  I could always tell when Stoney had one by his ostentatiously casual saunter as he made a bee line for an under - the - trailer lizard session.  I would get the lizard about half the times that I saw this going on.  However, eviscerated reptiles were a daily affair.  June, 2013.

Texas Spiny Lizard, AKA Fence Lizard.  These lovely creatures can get up to 11 inches in length.  I hated seeing them killed, and my cat hated me to see him get one.

Yermak Timofeyevitch, conqueror of Siberia.  Drowned while trying to escape an attack by natives, the golden armor given him in gratitude by Ivan the Terrible pulled him under.  Ivan probably liked the cut of his jib.  April, 2013.

From the post- 

     'Down by the river, in the very heart of darkness itself.  The Colorado is a smallish, muddy river that is a sport-person's delight.  It is not to be swam in.  My best use for it is to watch the sun go down while drinking beer.  Lots of water moccasins with the occasional brown python.  I stand in a jaunty position because I always have an audience, even if it is just me and me'. 
 April, 2014.

Watership Down, Woundwort and Bigwig.  March, 2013. 

Johnny Friendly.  March, 2013. 

Werewolf, 2013.

I wake up dreaming.  I have redrawn this, at the time I thought it a masterpiece of wit.  Master something, anyway.  2013.  I have no idea why I thought those tails needed to be so big.

I'm in love with the most wonderful sexy guy imaginable!

A person I misjudged as a friend buried his dog and we were all sad.  I dug the grave, it was 4 feet deep.  He threw his prize pocketknife unto the dog.  Not long after that he wanted to dig her up to get his knife back, I sent him on his way and never saw him again.  My darling murdered cat Phoebe was buried next to Choppy, I hope they play together until I come for them.  January 2014. 

My scanner at the time would show marks not visible on the paper.  Again with the overly large tail, I really like this drawing but it is too flawed to put in my regular gallery.  2014.  The feather thing is from Isaac Asimov talking about the strength of the 4 known forces in the universe, gravity is the weakest and yet defines everything.  I think so, anyway.

The longest journey begins with a single step.


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