Goodbye Neal, And Thanks For All The Great Art

Batman vs. Ra's Al Ghul. My brother bought this new and we still have it. Shame they didn't really kill Robin. Oh for crying out loud in church. Adams was a serious nutcase but that never hurt an artist - I heard him on Coast to Coast once while I was driving back to Austin talking about this theory and I was stunned at what a crackpot he was. RIP Neal Adams, June 15 1941 - April 28 2022. I didn't buy comics for the social commentary, or Green Lanterns, or Green Arrows. Neal was the best artist going at the time who was wasted on shitty characters, see above. Donald Simpson's take on Green Arrow, speaking of irritating great liberal artists. Green Mellow and Megaton Man. Much, much more like it. Fuck superhero comics anyway.