Urethral Crayons



Hi Guys!

 As you know, there's a lot of art on this site, so I guess you're not gonna be surprised if I start talking about crayons!  But hold on -- these aren't exactly the kind of crayons that you draw with!  See that skinny, wasted-looking guy in the picture above?  If you haven't guessed it already, he's pretty sick!  But with what, you might ask?  Well, he's been too-long addicted to playing with himself!

Yes, that's right!  The Victorians thought that touching yourself in an impure manner would slowly and progressively debilitate you before it ultimately drove you insane and to an early grave!   

Luckily, they had all kinds of medicines and cures for this problem!  One of the more effective of these, or so I'm guessing, had to be "Professor Jean Civiale's Urethral Crayons."  These were little wax-like sticks that you jammed into your pee-pee until they melted!  Heh, it's a safe bet that you're not gonna wanna do anything except lay in bed and moan while that's going on!  I get the heebee-jeebies just thinking about it!  

OK guys, I gotta stop now; I'm not feelin' so good!



  1. Say, uh...could I get some of those that maybe someone won't know about it? I got this rab-,er...friend that could use some...uh...demotivation, maybe that goes in his beer, like, to surprise him? Just askin'.

  2. First, as to the appearance and actions of the Masturbator—he who is constantly and recklessly drawing drafts of exhaustion and decay on the nervous energy and strength of his coming manhood, and which are sure to bankrupt the most robust health.

    If there is a man to be pitied on this earth, it is he who is walking about from day to day conscious of being guilty of ever having practiced this vice. Mark the man who is addicted to it in no matter how light a form; his face tells the story of his sin. See his haggard looks, his deep, sunken eyes, which he throws only half-way into the countenance of his friend. Note the blue or black discolorations under the eye; the nervousness to get away from a crowd, and the extreme girlishness or backwardness when introduced into the company of ladies.

    The victim of the most dangerous of all vices soon reaches a state which, if not promptly relieved by the proper remedy, will end in life-long misery or an early death.

    Objectively considered, the masturbator is recognized by a marked facial expression, by a characteristic mannerism, and by a peculiar mental state.

    1. "His face tells the story of his sin...." Yikes!


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