More Deadly than the Male


"It's a Trap!"  Morton Gould, Jungle Drums, 1956


Hi Guys!

If I were to ask you what's the most dangerous creature in the jungle, what would you say?  LionsTigersBlack mambas?  Well, those things are pretty dangerous, but if you ask me, the most dangerous creature in the jungle is women!       



It's too late for this guy.  Jungle Comics, 1943


Any forensic anthropologist will tell you that all those skulls are male!  Jo-Jo Congo King, 1947

If there's no dudes to kill, they turn on each other!  Zoot Comics, 1948

He seems only slightly concerned that she's about to cut off his junk!  Wildcat Adventures, 1960

Ann knows better.  Ka'anga's days are numbered!  Jungle Comics, 1948

Alright guys, that's all I've got for now.  And remember, stay safe.  It's a jungle out there!



  1. 'Oh, foolish male'!Taken in by a female! Gee, whiz, guys...we call that flirting!

    1. Flirting in the jungle can have deadly consequences!

    2. ANYTHING in a jungle can have consequences!

  2. Kajm has faced many such, in his near-infinite life. Some of those fights still haunt his dreams.


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