Another Moonrabbit

I thought I had posted the original of this back when I first drew it but it seems it only went to FurAffinity.  This was one of my default Starbucks drawings, where I draw warrior bunnies the way I would like to look while talking to myself and frequently going outside to smoke, leaving the picture causally on display for anyone who wants to do so to come by and admire a fierce, badass rabbit. .  These pictures tend to be static so this one I tried to amp up with an angel of death drawing his wing over Flamma.  Silly and poorly drawn, I tried to cover it all with graphite.  No good.  When I originally drew this, the two guys next to me in the coffee shop got up to leave and one of them said "Hot"! to me about the drawing, but I did not respond because without absolute certainty someone is talking to me that is how I react.  I feel bad because it was a compliment and I should always thank someone for that.  And then I ruined the drawing.  Well, this is what is left.   I may take ink to it, but I doubt it.  What's done is done.

Everything I do wrong is society's fault.
It's a rabbit thing.

Only the grave can correct the hunchback.


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