Blueprint (Source Redacted)

This has been in the files for years.   A disgruntled BillyCo employee made this available.  Here is incontrovertible evidence for the first time, like any is needed, of the animal nature of this rabbit and his creator.  This might as well be called "fuck the public, we are too big to be bothered".  Well, we will let said public and the law have the final say in this, see if we don't.  Here then is proof positive of Mister Scribbles's knowledge of what he has unleashed upon the world, upon common decency, and upon our nation built according to the laws given from on high by the Omnipotent himself at Mount Sinai.  This is a nation of citizen yeomanry, and not pervert rabbits!

This bunny abomination has been a synodus horrenda to decent folk throughout the world.  Today we expose the naked truth of this horrible rabbit and all his pomps.  Know then, miscreants, that the day of reckoning is at hand.  No longer will this furry perversion hide, as it has, among all that is good in our illustrious country.  All praise to the unsung and forever unknown hero who made this available.
Mister Scribbles, we got your notorious ass legal once and for all.  Repent, sinner, and pray to God for forgiveness in the next world, for there is none in this one.
Your move, doomed one!


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