
Billy D. Bunny as Hellboy.  That's his dad, Azzael, to your left.  Mike Mignola is such an awesome artist and writer that I gotta nerve drawing this, but I do have a nerve.  Hellboy's mom is a witch who repented as she lay dying, she was then put into a chained up coffin and something happens about that later on.  Just to show that I play fair here is Mr. Mignola's picture of father and son having some quality time together, allowing the alert viewer to discern the slight differences in my fanart from his wildly successful comic as to technique and ability, therein.

Hellboy and Azzael, Mike Mignola, and pretty fucking good at that.

Several artists have illustrated Hellboy but the two that I like best after Mike Mignola are Richard Corben and P. Craig Russell, both of whom greatly contributed to my eventual adult instability, irresponsible outlook, and permanent escape into a world of fantastic pictures as rendered by the 3 color process on newsprint.
I've told a lawyer about all this but he said it was best if he did the talking in court from then on.


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