Animal Comics

Cover of Animal Comics # 1, Dell, 1942.  Cover by H. R. McBride.  First appearance of Albert the Alligator by Walt Kelly is in this.

E. J. Bell, writer.

The Monarch of Panther Gorge.  George Kerr, pencils.

Written by Worth Carnahan.

H. R. McBride, pencils, story by the incredible Howard Garis.

Story and art Justin Gruelle.

Muggins Mouse, Marjorie Barrows, story and art.

A. W. Nugent.  1 dollar for 12 issues.  That's about 8 packs of Chesterfields!

Animal Comics # 7, Uncle Wiggly.  1944.

Gaylord DuBois, who wrote over 3000 comics in his career.  Art by George Kerr.

Muggins Mouse, pencils by Dan Ghormley.  Awesome lineart.

Wolves are cruel, deceitful, and stupid.  Tom Golden, Blackie.

Ha ha!  Take that, loopy!  How To Outsmart A Wolf, Tom Golden.
Walt Kelly.
Animal Comics # 11, Uncle Wiggly and Albert the Alligator, unknown darling donkey.  Walt Kelly.

The Winning Bounce.  Gaylord DuBois, Walt Kelly. (again)!

Cilly Goose, John Stanley.  Pencils by Otto Feuer.

Animal Comics # 17, Teddy Bruin; Mrs. Woodpecker; Mother Bruin.  H. R. McBride.

Cubs'll Be Cubs.  Morris Gollub.

Cubby  And Tubby.  Morris Gollub.

Freddy Frog, Dan Noonan.  Animal Comics # 23.

The Magician's Rabbit, Dan Noonan.

Animal Comics # 25, Feb-Mar 1947.  Inside front cover.  New York Zoological Society.

Jigger, John Stanley.

Water Bunnies, Morris Gollub.

Morris Gollub, painting.  While not an member of the Animal Comics stable, I just had to throw in this Blunder Bunny by the immortal Dan Gordon, who invented the sadistic cat and gullible dog genre.  The uninitiated would know him for The Flintstones.  Dan's best known comic was Superkatt, but Blunder is my fave cartoon rabbit, even edging out Bugs.  Dan Gordon died in a house fire while intoxicated in 1970.  Ah, for the life of a cartoon animal artist!

Funny Films # 1, October 1949.  

This has been brought to you by Billy D Bunny, the world's most moral and ethical talking rabbit.
No vulgarity on this site!


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