Calling All Talent!

Tired of your creative genius being ignored by the Fur Trust?  Lost on the big groups?  Appalled by the dominance of crinklefurs and rainbow colored flying ponies?  Then maybe you need:

Hybrid, the Online Furry Collective,

...where your art will get the showcase it deserves!  We are looking for artists, writers, animators, photographers, poets et al.who want a venue that offers the discriminating fan an alternative to non-stop bestiality or mindless return to childhood.  We are all about promoting intelligent anthropomorphic art of every type, what matters here is originality and visual impact.  Good thing too, or I wouldn't be allowed to post my stuff, that's been made explicitly clear.

     So play the hand you've been dealt.  Submit now to best that Anthro has to offer, all entries given the most serious consideration.   You can send your work to -

Andibi, Peerless Purveyor of Awesome Anthro with all the features you've been looking for at a price that won't put you in the poorhouse.  Step right up!

Or the more desperate among you can try -

...that's me, Billy D Bunny, a grown man who identifies with a dissolute strange-o neurotic rabbit, and good luck with that.

So let others see what you've got.  Submit now to Hybrid, and join our stable, ha ha, of the best Furry has to offer.  Stand out from the crowd.  Be somebody.  Amuse your friends.  Excite the ladies!

(Photographs are of the work of the Victorian anthro master, Walter Potter).

It's gonna be all eyes on you.


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