Insult To Injury

This 'thing' is a plastic deer of the most brittle nature.  Both the horns snapped while I was moving it or something.  In this picture I have superglued the horns into place but as can be seen there is a big chunk missing and one of the antler points is gone.

This half deer rests on a rock with his head twisted towards his back.  The plaque reads, 
'The Challenge', either a reference to the shot a hunter might take or more probably he is about to get into it with another deer.  The net tells me this is resin and is made by Mill Creek Studios, the only one I can find is going for 38 dollars.
Oh, dumbass.  'The Challenge' refers to getting this deer up from the bottom of that cliff after you murder it.

Here I have molded micro-crystalline sculptors wax into the missing areas and shaped a new antler point.  I have applied furniture touch up paint and this abomination is as good as new.  This was my dad's and he liked it so I am not going to get rid of it.

Whoever sculpted this knew what he was doing but by making it a half creature and leaving large jagged holes in the body to 'look cool' puts this thing in the plastic junk department as far as I am concerned.  But what a repair job!

If I ever gain control of this I am going to saw the head off and affix it to a mailbox, this is just tacky as hell.  A shame, Mill Creek Studios does turn out well sculpted animals.  This is not one of them.  My dad was given this by a piece of shit human who cheated him very badly.  His taste, as we say, was in his ass.

I think most people who buy this sort of thing only study wild deer over rifle sights.  I have been in many a hunter's house that had deer pictures everywhere.  They also had pics of American Indians.

 Be sure to hang a cheap dreamcatcher above this.

Ha ha ha!  Fuck you, paleface!


  1. That's some breathtaking stuff! Kitsch for advanced connoisseurs only!

    But that *is* a nice repair job.

  2. Your words shine out like an arc lamp on the darkest of nights!


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