Different Strokes For Different Folks, Dammit!

Billy, who lives among roughnecks and fishermen and Second Amendment Republican military retirees, has decided that he needs more attention.  The second I turn my back he is out of the house wearing his favorite clothing and jewelry, strictly forbidden.  I am at my wit's end what to do with this rabbit.  He promised he would mow the yard today.  When he came home with those boots he told me they were for a friend, a likely story and I didn't believe him, Billy is not exactly generous and his friends tend to be temporary at best.  Ever since switchblades and brass knuckles were made legal to carry concealed in Texas I almost throw up every time the phone rings.  Oh, well, I wanted a pet bunny and for my sins I got one.  My car is wrecked and all my friends won't come visit anymore, but I got a pet bunny.  Everything I learned about talking rabbits growing up was a lie. Thanks Walt, thanks Chuck, owe you guys one.

 This sassy rabbit picture is brought to us by the incredible -

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