A Dynastic Sunset

This book has nothing to do with this article except for the cover illustration, which is certainly inspired by this guy-

See what I mean?

Fritz von Erich

When I was growing up and watching wrestling in Dallas, this was the guy we were rooting for.  This is Jack Adkinsson,  aka Fritz von Erich, aka the Iron Claw.  

I always dug his clean cut Marine Infantry Officer/ Obergruppenfuhrer approach.

The von Erich boys.  Kerry, Fritz, Kevin, Chris (in front) Mike and David. Except for Kevin, they are all dead.  Jack Jr. was electrocuted by an electric fence in 1959 at the age of 7.  Here is an article that can tell this far better than I can-

These guys were on top of the world.

I drove by here every day when I was a young craftsman in Dallas and Oh! so happy.

In 2012.

Jack Jr.

Alone.  Kevin von Erich.  Photo by Michael O'Brien.

Godspeed, all of you.






And just one more article, I have this issue and this is where I found out about the family tragedy.

Just something else, they were.


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