
So, once, I was running this mining operation on an island in the Pacific.  I had three men working under me, a German, an Italian, and a Japanese fellow.  I put the German in charge of personnel, the Italian in charge of operations, and the Japanese was in charge of supplies.  I had to leave, but a month later I took the seaplane back to see how things were going.  I asked the German, how are the men working out?  Fine, he said, and I inspected the barracks with him.  Okie dokie, smokey, looking good, and then I went to the Italian and asked him how the work was going.  We went together to the quarry and things were moving along better than I expected.  But- I could not find the Japanese guy.  So we searched and searched, nothing had been done, and we could not find him.  Finally we went into one of the tunnels and he was nowhere to be found.  As I was leaving, exhausted, I rounded a corner and the Jap jumped out and yelled  
You read this all the way to the end?  Crazy, Daddy-O!

Picture by Arthur Syzk.


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