The Wasp Woman

So tonight my brother and I are watching Susan Cabot in "The Wasp Woman", a movie I had for years and never saw.  It was her last film role.  I think this is Roger Corman at his best.  The above is her and Charles Bronson in "Machine Gun Kelly".

Susan Cabot in "Tomahawk".

She was very pretty.

But something went horribly wrong.  She became a recluse in her palatial, filthy house, with only her son and four dogs as company.

Her dwarf son beat her to death with a barbell.  They both seemed to be unstable, and it sounds like she treated the boy badly.  Since the dead cannot speak for themselves, I shall leave it at that.

Roger Corman is something else.

Sometimes I forget celebrities have problems also.

Nothing compared to the real thing.


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