Dave Yorko, R.I.P.

That is Dave with the white Jazzmaster.   The cat  with the sax is Johnny Paris.  The man at the keys is still alive and gives interviews.  
The reason for this post is not about Johnny and the band, but about how much I admire Dave Yorko.
To me, he is the most scintillating electric guitar in Rock.  Sometimes these guys are classified as Rockabilly, which they certainly are not.  These guys are lounge bumped up to hard core roknrol.
This is the song that made me long to play electric guitar.

Listen to that crazy guitar solo, baby, and know power.

Johnny apparently controlled the band and did not treat his former high school friends right.  
He would boast about having 500 musicians in the band.

That was my favorite rock instrumental.   These guys are best known for this-

But the thing that I wish to tell all you youngsters out there, is the story of  the Hurricanes show at the Star Club in Hamburg, 1962.

The best rock band going is about to make way for their replacements.  Of course, we would spell that opening act, "The Beatles".  Dave Yorko is about to give way to John Lennon and George Harrison.  The old order dies but it does not surrender.

My life, at least, is much happier because of this man, and, I guess, Johnny and the others.  Remember, I was a baby when their big hits came out, and I re-discoverd them on my own.
Goodbye, Dave, and thanks for the fish!

On the flipside!   I'm hip  but this is like, so sad.  Man, but this catches me on the upbeat!   I will let Sandy Nelson play us off-

Be seeing you!


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