
Showing posts from 2018

Ha Ha!

Oh, my God, but humans are funny.  Stand by for 2019.  Hang onto your hats, folks, here we go again. But be of good cheer.  It ain't over until it's over!

A New Year Arrives

Dawn gives hope to everyone. @_livingdog - Instagram  

The Hanged Man

You will read a lot of bullshit about this card.  This method of execution was popular in Italy and doubtless everywhere else in Europe back in the Quattrocento.  It was reserved for traitors, a flexible term given the whole city state thing.  The individual thus strung up was allowed as much food and water as he wanted.  He is also suspended by one foot, not two.  All the tarot interpretations say that this is something to do with wisdom, ha ha!  This is a classic example of the decay of knowledge.  The original tarot had nothing to do with nonsense and everything to do with gambling.  I assume that the nature of chance led to the not unreasonable belief in cards being able to foretell the future.  My conclusion is that while cheating at cards is disgraceful and wrong, using them to peek into the hand that fate holds is disgraceful and wrong as well.   Regardless of what anyone says, this is a death card and a prognosticator ...

Henry Luhrs

Henry Luhrs, American Manhood Magazine (and a real rip-roaring pic if ever I saw one). Luhrs, Animal Life Magzine Better Homes And Gardens, April, 1934 Henry Carl Luhrs, as can be seen, was a competent illustrator who went on to something far bigger than magazine covers and book illustrations.  This is an ad from 1954.  But Luhrs made his mark in industry, not artwork! Luhrs became a player in the sport boat game.  This is quite the achievement. As I type this I can see Key Allegro, an upscale neighborhood with some of the most badass sportfishing vessels afloat.  The market is hugely competitive and punished by high taxes, because a lot of people think that it is wrong to enjoy life fully if you have the means to do so. Not a bad legacy at all. Dreamy!

I Spent The Day Taking Stock Of My Life

3 weeks ago I brought home the sweetest kitty ever found abandoned in a parking lot.  Now my entire family has ringworm, and we have had to go get antibiotics and various topical ointments because of my carelessness.   I got BoBo into the vet's today, and I was expecting him to scrape the cat and then I would wait a couple of days until the results got back.  The vet turned off the lights and put a blacklight on the kitty.  Where there was fluorescence, there was the fungus.  Fucking genius and oh so simple, like most smart things.  Now I have to give the kitty 1/2 cc of something or the other every day before meals. Next time I rescue an animal he/she/it goes into solitary until I have a clean bill of health for the same. This is just one example of the way I have run my life.  For the best of reasons I have made the worst mistakes, over and over and over again. Oh, well, only the grave can correct the hunchback. What have ...

Solitudinem Faciunt, Pacem Apellant

You have your orders.  Slay them all. ("They have made a desert and call it peace" is a quote from the Scottish chieftain Calgacus, who's name translates as "has a blade".  In the context of Scottish lifestyle at the time this meant that Calgacus was no one to argue with.  Tacitus uses this in his biography of Gnaeus Julius Agricola, his father in law and a great Roman general.  Below is a partial quote and it is worth reading.  After all, the Romans were the scourge of the ancient world). "Robbers of the world, having by their universal plunder exhausted the land, they rifle the deep. If the enemy be rich, they are rapacious; if he be poor, they lust for dominion; neither the east nor the west has been able to satisfy them. Alone among men they covet with equal eagerness poverty and riches. To robbery, slaughter, plunder, they give the lying name of empire; they make a solitude and call it peace".  Spot on.

My Life

All those opportunities wasted.  Goddamnit!

Jean-Leon Huens, Reynard And Isengrim

Reynard has been around for about a thousand years.  He is a thief, a murderer, scoundrel, rapist, bully, liar, etc...etc...  This is him with his uncle Isengrim, a wolf.  Isengrim is an even worse person than Reynard but not as good at getting away with it. Here the very charismatic and charming Reynard has just snaffled a fat chicken and from what I have heard of him he is going to eat it by himself.  Please note the superior qualities of this fantastic picture.  These are two very well dressed canids if I ever saw any! I have been a lifelong fan of M. Huens, although I just learned his name.  He brings history to life, no small thing.

Delusions Of Adequacy

Part two, Not All Bunnies Are Buddhists.  I did this over a large triple shot latte after Christmas shopping today.  At least I worked on it a little.  My artwork is for my own amusement and rarely makes any sense at all.  Here I am drawing Billy as Kriminal.   But why is he holding a pole arm and not a machine gun or a human head?  And why would a rabbit furry be dressed as a psycho attention hungry revenge machine?  I need to focus! Kriminal by Magnus.  My hero! Escapeville Billy.  Where the fuck am I going with this?  What is wrong with me? My new, sassy rabbit!  Started last week in the local java joint, stopped when I noticed two children solemnly watching me draw.  I left before their mother got there and called the police.   Today's secret word is "Insouciant"! Captive bunny.  Have I nothing better to draw? I will finish ...

Day Of Atonement

 (He) shall lay both his hands upon the head of the live goat and confess over it all the iniquities and transgressions of the Israelites, whatever their sins, putting them on the head of the goat; and it shall be sent off to the wilderness through a designated man.   Thus the goat shall carry on it all their iniquities to an inaccessible region; and the goat shall be set free in the wilderness. Leviticus 16:21 - 22 We celebrate Christmas as the birth of the one who will take our sins upon himself.  I would never allow another, especially a blameless animal, to suffer for my crimes. Without a scapegoat fools would have nowhere to hide, we see this daily in politics.  The last words of Admiral Tryon, after his ship was going down following a collision due to the ineptitude of a subordinate but on his orders were* - "This was all my fault". A real man stands by his actions.…  *An extremely controversial ...

First Installment - Not All Rabbits Are Buddhists

Flamma is fighting today in Samnite wear.  His retiarius opponent has lost his trident, and will probably lose this match.  The rabbit has been threatened severely to abide by the decision of the editor of the games, for once.  His opponent is a nobleman in reduced circumstances, but he has friends.  Very well. This means Flamma will kill him in order to end the fight before the wolf signals for quarter.  That is how one breaks the rules by keeping them! Samnite trefoil cuirass.  Very practical and quite dashing.  It is unlikely that a gladiator would have worn a cuirass in the arena, this offers far too much protection from death blows.

Bunny B Bad II

With water and tobacco nothing is too extreme to worry about.  Billy's situation is hopeless but not serious!

Bunny B Bad

   In his dream, Billy is alone and hurt pretty bad.  Help is not coming, of course.  His situation is serious but not hopeless. "No help yet.  Very cold nite".  Monday, April 12 1943. Last diary entry for Lt. Robert Toner, co-pilot, Lady Be Good.

How I View Myself, Drawn In 2012

My first rabbit avatar, strangely accurate and well drawn.  For me.

Oats Studios - In Case You Are Feeling Complacent Tonight!

This is an independent short movie by Oats Studios, and it has impressed me more than I can say.  The Earth has been invaded and we are losing, badly.  I have read several great sci/fi stories where the enemy is unbeatable, but this takes the cake.  The War of the Worlds was written as a satire of colonialism.  This is divine retribution for the same.  Fasten your seat belts, gang, you are in for a ride! I think that this is a stand alone one shot, not to be expanded or sequeled.   If that is so then this is very bold. Do I have your attention yet?

Thanksgiving Eve 2016

I fell in love with a kitten that lived in a convenience store parking lot.  After 2 weeks of trying to get her, I used a landing net to grab the little darling.  A woman there went ballistic over this and accused me of hurting the cat.  Her massive boyfriend stood by and I was really worried.  I explained what I was doing and why, but this skirt kept running her mouth.  When I left with the cat I saw her writing down my license plate number. The cat is named Mischa.  She is on my knee while I write this.

This Is Why I Would Like Friendship With The Russians

Many of them are just like us.

Two Different Approaches To Looking Dangerous

Grace is so much more eye catching than bulk.  This is from a furry comic but my point is that slender by no means is effeminate.  What?  Some of you think that this is gay?  Then you probably won't like this - might have a point.  MY point is that approach is everything, as we can clearly see here.  But put this kid in fatigues and armor with a can do attitude, and Voila! A bad motherfucker appears.  Artwork by Onta.  Personality is everything, and it is in everything you do.  Here a snuggly cute flufflebun becomes a warlord obviously meditating his next war atrocity, the crueler the better! Command presence.  Work on it. This is from The Terminator, 1984.  This is a perfect example of utility vs. mass.  Here Michael Biehn, who has just stolen a homeless man's pants, is the floor model for a well built infantryman.  Strong but not overdone.  This sort...

I Very Much Miss My Friends

Weed, whites, and wine.  And friends.  Ya gotta have friends!


Taken in 2002.  There was a light fixture behind Jinjur, and dad photo-shopped it gone.  This is the only collaboration vis a vis artwork dad and I have ever done, although he did show me how to develop and enlarge photos back in the day.  Jinjur is now 17 and her attitude toward everything is right out of this Steinlen masterpiece.

Cute But Vicious

Most pink nosed bunnies are adorable and cuddly.  Billy is vindictive, arrogant, and given to sulking.  Here he he listens to music appropriate for his current state of mind, which involves the use of low yield atomic weaponry on his neighbors. What a scamp this bunny is!

Shopping Shenanigans

Here I am with an imaginary friend that has a lot more sense than I do.  Rent is due, there are drugs and alcohol to buy, I just cannot afford more cool leather than I will ever wear, or use.  This is pure wish fulfillment.  IRL I don't listen to anyone without a badge.  I am a disgrace! Am I the only one who sees him?

Heartless Murderer, But Very Cool About It!

My fave superhero, the Comedian.  My second and last piece of fan art.  The first picture was also of the Comedian. My first fan art drawing.  I forgot to add the Smiley face.  Finally someone has done something with this graphic abomination. I love different takes on tired approaches.  Last burst of energy from an aging stud.  His opponent is unbeatable by any man alive.  And gay. Jeffrey Dean Morgan hits it out of the park as a remorseless, amoral killer who turns out to have some sort of regret over what he was. Great scene, great role, great actor. (He is about to shoot the mother of his unborn child, with a .45 auto no less.  In a bar full of witnesses.  Is he an inhuman monster or what?  Oh, yeah, Doctor Manhattan, a being with god like attributes, is standing right next to the Comedian as he kills the woman, and does nothing. https://youtu.b...