The Hanged Man

You will read a lot of bullshit about this card.  This method of execution was popular in Italy and doubtless everywhere else in Europe back in the Quattrocento.  It was reserved for traitors, a flexible term given the whole city state thing.  The individual thus strung up was allowed as much food and water as he wanted.  He is also suspended by one foot, not two.  All the tarot interpretations say that this is something to do with wisdom, ha ha!  This is a classic example of the decay of knowledge.  The original tarot had nothing to do with nonsense and everything to do with gambling.  I assume that the nature of chance led to the not unreasonable belief in cards being able to foretell the future.  My conclusion is that while cheating at cards is disgraceful and wrong, using them to peek into the hand that fate holds is disgraceful and wrong as well.   Regardless of what anyone says, this is a death card and a prognosticator of disaster.
You have been warned.

(The only person in history, legends, or myths to gain knowledge by being hung on a tree was Odin.  That cost him an eye and a few uncomfortable nights on Yggdrasil, an unusually divine ash or yew.  It all led to Ragnarok anyway so why fuck with it?  I am really concerned about the consumption of moldy rye bread in Scandinavia back in the day).

The Childermass deck.

No need to go into the meaning of this.

 And,... this is an Anthro art website, so I thought I would throw in this macabre whimsy, two words not normally used together.  This outstanding work is by Jazzberry Blue.  The artist is out of Amsterdam and Melbourne, two other words not normally used side by side.


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