Delusions Of Adequacy

Part two, Not All Bunnies Are Buddhists.  I did this over a large triple shot latte after Christmas shopping today.  At least I worked on it a little.  My artwork is for my own amusement and rarely makes any sense at all.

 Here I am drawing Billy as Kriminal.   But why is he holding a pole arm and not a machine gun or a human head?  And why would a rabbit furry be dressed as a psycho attention hungry revenge machine?  I need to focus!

Kriminal by Magnus.  My hero!

Escapeville Billy.  Where the fuck am I going with this?  What is wrong with me?

My new, sassy rabbit!  Started last week in the local java joint, stopped when I noticed two children solemnly watching me draw.  I left before their mother got there and called the police.  
Today's secret word is "Insouciant"!

Captive bunny.  Have I nothing better to draw?
I will finish these, if only to prove I can follow through on something.

Merry Christmas!


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