
Edmond Francois Calvo,

This is really, really good.

A Gallic Tom and Jerry. 

I am guessing that CriCri is the mouse.

Definitely the mouse.  The mouse in the apartment whose tenants are on vacation.

Mr. Loyal presents...

Rosalie, the anthropomorphic car.

But which is which?  

The mouse is Trottinette and the cat Moustache, this ended in 1960 after Calvo's death.

Why wasn't this published here?

Anatomy Atomique, a sort of Exquisite Corpse flip book, I guess.  

Exquisite corpse, also known as exquisite cadaver (from the original French term cadavre exquis), is a method by which a collection of words or images is collectively assembled. Each collaborator adds to a composition in sequence, either by following a rule (e.g. "The adjective noun adverb verb the adjective noun." as in "The green duck sweetly sang the dreadful dirge.") or by being allowed to see only the end of what the previous person contributed.


The Beast is Dead.

This has a drift one can catch.

I would really like to get this.

From what little I can learn the cow is Dutch, the rabbit French, clearly a British bulldog, a tuxedoed  American Buffalo, and the white bear is probably a Russian.  The middle foreground figure might be a Zouave, a member of the North African French Union, although it looks like some kind of 'roo.  This art is out of hand.

Ici Hitler, Goering, and Goebbels.  Not offensively subtle.

 Using adorable animals to make a point really works.

Hess gets mentioned.



Perfect drawing to abandon this post with. 
Au revoir.


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