Two Different Approaches To Looking Dangerous

Grace is so much more eye catching than bulk.  This is from a furry comic but my point is that slender by no means is effeminate.  What?  Some of you think that this is gay?  Then you probably won't like this - might have a point.  MY point is that approach is everything, as we can clearly see here.  But put this kid in fatigues and armor with a can do attitude, and Voila! A bad motherfucker appears.  Artwork by Onta.

 Personality is everything, and it is in everything you do.  Here a snuggly cute flufflebun becomes a warlord obviously meditating his next war atrocity, the crueler the better!
Command presence.  Work on it.

This is from The Terminator, 1984.  This is a perfect example of utility vs. mass.  Here Michael Biehn, who has just stolen a homeless man's pants, is the floor model for a well built infantryman.  Strong but not overdone.  This sort of physique is what men are designed to look like.  (I have to add that looking like this without an extreme amount of discipline is youth dependent.  OK, but so is soldiering).  Maximum functionality is hot.  Look at any well made sword to prove my point.
Bodybuilding is a sport and a very hard one.  I think, however, that today the emphasis is on size and extreme development.  Steve Reeves would not be competitive in a Mr. Universe contest today!

The very picture of ability.  Aliens.  To paraphrase the Spartans, those wonderful people, armor adds cool to a handsome man and terror to an ugly one!

Arnold Schwarzenegger as a machine.  His physique is awesome but he is carrying more muscle than needed for fighting.  And all that food don't carry itself.  Of course if he got his hands on you than it would be game over, no doubt.  In warfare today, speed is of the essence.  There is nothing wrong with building muscle, and this man is responsible for sending millions to gyms, no bad thing at all.  The lifting rig behind him is a none too subtle way to make a point, one of the many reasons that this is among one of the better films made.  Thank you James Cameron.
A similar visual echo would have showed Michael Biehn standing in front of a puma. 

Come with me if you want to live.

But whatever I think, Arnold sure has a look going here. A body beyond stunning, no small achievement.

Sometimes, though, less is more.  In the long run, whatever works for you is what matters.  Everyone has to decide what their strengths and weaknesses are.
Mechanically speaking, the right tool for the right job.


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