I Spent The Day Taking Stock Of My Life

3 weeks ago I brought home the sweetest kitty ever found abandoned in a parking lot.  Now my entire family has ringworm, and we have had to go get antibiotics and various topical ointments because of my carelessness.  
I got BoBo into the vet's today, and I was expecting him to scrape the cat and then I would wait a couple of days until the results got back.  The vet turned off the lights and put a blacklight on the kitty.  Where there was fluorescence, there was the fungus.  Fucking genius and oh so simple, like most smart things.  Now I have to give the kitty 1/2 cc of something or the other every day before meals.
Next time I rescue an animal he/she/it goes into solitary until I have a clean bill of health for the same.
This is just one example of the way I have run my life.  For the best of reasons I have made the worst mistakes, over and over and over again.
Oh, well, only the grave can correct the hunchback.

What have I done?


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