Dial 'M' For Murder

     In 2001, I was cast as Captain Lesgate, the incompetent would be murderer in Dial 'M' For Murder.  This was at the Gaslight Theater in Lockhart, Texas, and was a nifty little production.  I decided that the play was not getting enough attention in my hometown of Austin, so I whipped up this poster and went about all the coffee shops putting them on the crowded notice boards there.  I had twenty and was posting the fifteenth when the news about the Twin Towers broke.  I got a large double shot latte and watched the television reports for awhile, then went home.  I just found this today along with another hundred pounds of comics I was missing.
I chose the picture of the mole who died while tunneling through the bird as symbolic of the two would be killers in that play, and how their interaction doomed them both.  I came of age when punk rock was shaking things up, so naturally I thought a sort of  'Never Mind The Bollocks' approach best for this poster.  I've always thought Sid had a terrific look going.  Weak on bass guitar, granted.  All these years later and I'm still pleased with it.  The play was directed by Paul Bright.

I see they are putting on a production of 'Harvey', about a man and his demonic rabbit that no one else can see.  What a coincidence!
Oh, and 'Dial Mole For Murder' is the superior title for a furry blog.


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